Lying Liar's Dice App Reviews

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Really well done

I have no idea who programmed this AI but it acts just the way a person would in this game. So much fun and a bunch of different ways to play. Really well made

Style Takes Getting Used To but Great Game

The styling is a bit odd and takes a second to figure out. I recommend playing on slow speed and already being aware of the liars dice rules. Otherwise great game! And one of (if not only) Liars Dice you can play 100% offline. And the IA players are just as difficult.

Great game

Fun to play and theres a helpful tutorial to teach you the game.

Great but AI is bit too dumb

Great but AI is bit too dumb

Bland...but Good

There are plenty of game modes, fair ways to change the rules, and even a perfectly constructed "pass and play" mode. I just wish this had some music or sound effects to give it a more "casino-like" feel to it.

Ok, but boring

Although this is an alright attempt at Liars Dice, I guess nothing can compete with the real thing in person. I didnt experience any technical issues, but wish I could connect to Facebook to play with my friends and wish there was a chat option to go along with that. Playing with the computer is just boring.

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